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Old 12-07-2007, 11:51 PM   #9
get me on the road
No Matter What.
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Posts: 655
Re: Does this look familiar

The scammer wants to send a bogus payment in the form of a check or in this case a bogus cashiers check, they also tend to be very generous adding an unusually high amount "for your trouble" and all they ask is that you return an amount that you feel is reasonable to them.

In other words I agree to buy your snipe for 500 dollars but I am going to send you a check for a thousand dollars and ask that you take care of the snipe packaging and shipping and in return for doing that you keep whatever you think your time and effort was worth,

So you deposit my hot check and then turn around and send me 3 or 4 hundred dollars or whatever, thinking that you really screwed me over when in fact I know my check wont clear and I just in fact screwed you.

I am guessing that the cashiers check would work the same way.[/QUOTE]

So uh....?....has someone actually sent an item to a buyer with out getting the check cleared? I mean I dont want to put anyone down, in anyway, but sending an item before the check clears, just seems........?........ I dont know???? Not very prudent. Thanks for explain it that though.
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