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Old 12-08-2007, 04:43 PM   #1
Self-proclaimed LED man
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Harrisburg, Missouri
Posts: 1,021
RED LED reverse lights ??Texans?? (price lowered) 12-7-07

Well, i dont know if this ad applies to just texans, but it would apply any other state that doesnt require reverse lights. This is a pair of RED LED reverse lights. This way you could wire it in with your brake lights and have them come on with the brakes. I made them for a board member, and now over a month later he wont answer PM's. There are 40 LEDs per side and 80 LEDs per pair. The lights are the exact same ones i use in my brake lights. I'm asking $35 shipped. I'll take paypal or postal money orders. Thanks alot!!

My LED Website
My Photobucket Album of LED's
Ask me about hand-made custom L.E.D brake and reverse lights. <- LINK
I also do LED:
-Third Brake/Cargo
-Brake (truck and burb)
-Reverse (truck and burb)
-67-68 Front Turn Signals
-69-70 Front Turn Signals
-71-72 Front Turn Signals
-GMC Front Turn Signals
I can also do custom lights for other vehicles....i did a set for a AMC Gremlin once
Norwood Survivor

Last edited by 724x4a/cchevy; 12-10-2007 at 10:01 AM.
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