tire sizing hurts my head
sumbody plz help me b4 my head explodes.
ok. my tires right now are 235/75/15.
according to the little calculator that means they r 29 x 9.25 x 15
ok. i know the 15 is wheel diameter.
is 29 the tire height?
and is 9.25 the width?
because if it is then the cragars i want will not be wide enough for me. the cragars are 17x9's. and if my current tires are 9.25 inches wide then i want to go like 11 inches wide.
what size tires would you recommend and can i go wider with the tread than 9" with still decent sized tires and no rub. Man this makes me confused.
I think i want 31 inch tall tires. ive been told 33's will fit without rub but im also lowering the truck 2/4. so i figured 31's would be my max.
Thoughts? Comments good/bad?