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Old 12-12-2007, 08:02 PM   #6
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Re: Nice Single Wall Top and NOS Tailgate on ebay

look at the item on ebay. click on the blue writing where it says "3 bids" It shows that three people have bid on the tailgate. The first guy bid a maximum of $100. The second guy bid a maximum of $363. The third guy has bid $368. It's not higher because the Reserve has not been met so $368 is all the third bidder has bid. If the third bidder had bid over the Reserve, the bid price would have gone up to the reserve value. If there was no Reserve, the last bidder could have bid much higher but Ebay would not have showed you that price. Ebay would only show the incremental value over the last bidders high bid. In the case of no Reserve, the incremental price would then become the final value of the item if no one else bid. When there is a Reserve, the seller does not have to sell until the bid price equals or exceeds the reserve value.

Hope I didn't confuse you.
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