Thread: Bridge Kits
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Old 12-15-2007, 01:45 PM   #4
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Re: Bridge Kits

Originally Posted by joehalford01 View Post
i know what you mean about the stock trailing arms, i've read and read and read and I figure i won't really know how i want to approach it until i do my notch and bag and see where it hits in person. I just wanted to make sure the bridge kit would work and you confirmed my thoughts that it's pretty much a c-notch with a crossmember. I've also done a lot of reading on the kp-links curved notch but I havn't seen anybody address why the taper is so necessary in the frame. It seems like it would easier to use then a standard notch and re-doing that section of frame with straight 2x4 steel but thats it. The savings wouldn't be small either as you are looking at 170 for the notch and 90 for the bag brackets when the basic bridge kit is 160 for everything, I figure 40 for the 2x4 (at the most) and it looks like you save about 60 bucks. Not a lot but it adds up over the course of the project (60 would cover the air tank). I'm pinching pennies here so I'm trying to figure out if the kp notch does anything other then save time on re-working the last few feet of the frame. Thanks for the help so far dude; this is an awesome board.

How much time are you willing to spend to "save $60"? I am guessing a KP notch will save you a whole weekend. It's a nice notch, and like you said earlier, everybody I know who has installed one has been satisfied. It's your call... $60 or a weekend!

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Last edited by PBFAB.COM; 12-15-2007 at 01:46 PM.
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