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Old 12-16-2007, 03:30 AM   #7
Retired Air Force Veteran
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Re: When do i stop??? Rebuild thoughts.

Were talking about trucks that are almost 40 years old.....Same as owning a home that is almost 40 years old - There WILL always be something to do, the work will never be complete.

When we bought our 69' SWB last year, a good friend asked me if we wanted a show truck, a total restore or a cruiser that would turn heads as we drove by. He said if you choose a show truck, start digging really deep. Same with a total restore. With the cruiser we are not digging as deep. And, you'll probably have a lot more fun with it. In mine, many different issues have come up, i.e. new wiring, lots of rust, gas tank relocation, door windows need repair, seat needs redone...then motor and trans issues - My list can go on and on and on........My wife said, When is it or will it ever be done? Answer? Probably Never. Even my neighbors ask if it will ever run again. At this point I just want to get it rolling. Enjoy it while I can. As far as paint....WOW, I have not even thought of that yet, I'm kinda getting used to the Primer Black.

To answer your question. Do you want a show truck, a total restore or a cruiser? Once you answer that, then you can continue to tear it apart or put it back together and fix things along the was - make it look good and enjoy it....Life is to short.

Good Luck
69' SWB Step Side 1/2 Ton w/68' Front Clip
Swap from Leafs to Trailing Arms (Complete)
Swap 6 Lug to 5 Lug (w/ Disk Brakes in Front)
3/6 Drop

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Last edited by myoldchevytruck; 12-16-2007 at 03:32 AM. Reason: no change
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