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Old 12-18-2007, 04:17 AM   #2
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Red face Re: Lighting problem

Originally Posted by b1v3r View Post
85 scottsdale> When I turn on headlights, i get the High beam indicator as well as both turn indicator lights on my dash. None of the dash lights work except the ONE bulb by the heater control valve. I replaced the screw holding the board with the flasher on it and that fixed it for a short while, but now it is back > ALl exterior lights work and turn indicators do as well. This truck has no interior light and is an old department of transportation truck that only has 68,000 original miles. Yes Original. It was only used on the complex to run parts. It runs great. but it is basic of the basics. Thanx.
Mine did the exact same thing until I found and re-connected the dash harness ground. Mine is an 85 as well. It is a black wire that comes out of the harness a short ways from where it plugs into the gage cluster. Mine the terminal broke off the wire and it was just hanging there so I installed a new one. Connect it to the porcupine looking grounding lugs just above the parking brake. I believe there are like 6 places to plug items on to it. For me it was an instant cure and the only cost was a new wire terminal. I believe what we saw in the glowing indicators was the dash lights finding a path to ground. Talk about a basic truck mine has power steering and brakes and that is it. Good Luck!

Last edited by 87Bob; 12-18-2007 at 04:29 AM.
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