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Old 12-21-2007, 04:39 PM   #227
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Re: '69 GMC Build Thread.

ok! time for an update!

not that i've done a whole lot to her or anything.

still driving her on the weekends...made a run to my neighbors house with about a face cord of fire wood down the highway. she took it just fine. but don't worry, Dad was driving. we leave this sorta thing to professionals. lol.

i got the rear bumper on, albeit not being painted. it's a might cold, and it's just a few bolts if i ever get the urge to bring it in the basement to warm up and spray bomb. so, yeah.

here you can see the rear bumper on.

along with a bit of a burnout. it was for a photography project. so. all in the name of education, i say!

not too shabby. but, once again. it helps that my Dad was driving. because, let's face it. he's a helluva lot better at it then i am. haha.

He's really enjoying having a truck on the road (kinda) again. especially because it's so close to his '68 he bought we he got out of the service. his was blue, with a white cab. a C20, with a 3 on the tree, and a 283. i know, not year correct engine, originally had a 327, but someone put a 283 in it. headers, glasspacks, pipes out the sides...hmmm..sounding familiar yet? lol. we're both really enjoying it.


and the neighbor that we took some wood to brought me a radio.

so, instead of this:

i'll make a plate to clean up the hole, and mount this in there instead.

i know it's out of like..a late 70's early 80's...but. it looks period correct. its GM Delco. it's got a cassette player. and those neat little buttons i can use to preset stations. yay!


so. thats about it.

today was my last day of classes for the semester, so, w00t to finals being over! that also means a month of vacation for yours truley, in which i have most of my day whatever i want!

which will include addressing my brake issue, installing the radio, adjusting the clutch, and putting liscense plates on.

since title transfer and registration fee's are going up quite a bit here after the new year, we're gonna liscense it pretty much asap. which doesn't bother me at as long as it's safe. i'm chompin' at the bit to go for cruise.


that was a bit long winded. i'll cut it off now.

let's hear it!

1969 GMC C1500. long fleet.
307. 3 on the tree. 3.07 gears.
Oliver green. Bent and bruised. Daily Driver.

Screw patina... it's a beater...Beaters are cool.
my build thread - Project Homebrew:
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