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Old 12-21-2007, 07:03 PM   #93
Still livin the "dream" in '54
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Re: '67 step-side replacement rear bumper

In a galaxy far, far away.... Ok, sorry, got off track a bit. Part 3 of the trilogy, well sort of.

Here are some pics of the painted and clear-coated wood and pics of the install. I chose not to sand and reclear because I loved how the grain of the wood really shows and a reclear would have filled most of that up. (Personal prefrence) All I have left to do is put the center strip in and I'm done. I love how the wood has a orange tint that matches the truck and I hope you guys can see the pearl lighting up in the one pic. Hope you enjoy. I did all of this for well under a 100 bucks and that included the strips (I had mine custom made) and the mounting hardware.

Good luck if you venture down this road. I will see about putting together some better instructions in the how-to section if enough people request it.

Later for now, D
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Current build. 1954 Chevrolet 3800 "Ella" SOLD!

My '67 stepper "Tangerine Dream"

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