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Old 01-11-2003, 07:56 PM   #1
Raven Lunatic
On the Hillbilly Highway
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Posts: 90
New, lookin for thoughts

I'm on the '67-72 board, but new here... thinkin about stickin the 350 outta the '67 into the '86 S-10, but imagine it'll be a big job... it's got a 2.8L in it now, with a 4 spd o/d... what kinda things do I have to think about before I get started?

In terms of...

Trans change?

Makin room in the engine compartment?

bigger rad?

and what about going from throttle body FI to standard carb? Lotsa changes?

Any and all thoughts greatly appreciated!

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