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Old 12-23-2007, 08:51 AM   #2
Zoomad75's Avatar
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Re: 78 blazer auto to manual conversion

The simple route is to find a doner truck and buy it for the parts. Take the tranny/t-case out of the doner, take the clutch/brake pedal assembly and linkage too. Swap the parts onto the blazer. It's been done a bunch in either dirction auto to manual or manual to auto.

I helped another member on here do the swap. He got a doner 4 speed truck for cheap that we swapped the parts over too his. We then swapped the auto parts back onto the doner and he sold it for what he had into it, Costing him $0 for the majority of the parts needed.

The 4-speeds used in these Blazers or similar year trucks are Muncie also. But they are granny gear 4 speeds otherwise known by the model # SM-465. If you are used to lifting car 4-speeds by hand don't try it with a 465 as you'll bust a gut in the process. Cast Iron 465's are heavy and ackward. Changes were made to the 465 from having 10 spline outputs to 32 spline output on later versions. The t-case you aready have might be able to re-use but it depends on it's input style and you would need the correct adapter for the specific trans/t-case combo you intend to run. This is why getting a complete donar truck saves time, you would already have a matching t-case. You most likely might have to make some driveshaft modifications, shorten one, lengthen the other or vise versa.

Unfortnately, you can't use a 2wd version of a 465 without work. The 2wd has a tailshaft output that would have to be eliminated for the t/case adapter to bolt to. Which would also require the shorter 4wd output shaft too. Stick with the 4wd version and you wont have to deal with that.

Go check out the 4x4 section here and search there too as the auto to manual ? has come up before.
Rob Z.
1975 K5 350/465/205/D44/12b 4" lift on 35's- RIP
1991 K5 8.1L/NV4500/241/D44/14b FWC Camper
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