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Old 12-23-2007, 06:27 PM   #1
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73-87 Alarm LED placement

I've got my alarm mostly installed but there's one last thing I cant quite decide on.

I don't know where to place the indicator LED. My first thought was to drill a hole in a dash bezel, but all the mods I've done so far are totally reversible and I also decided against cutting the dash for a DIN radio so I don't really want to drill a hole in the bezel at this point.

I tried the LED in the defrost vent, but at night it would be like a beacon saying "hey come look at this truck." I want it visible if someone comes and look in the window but I don't want it visible across an entire parking lot.

I don't want to cut or modify the truck too much but I also want it to look professional. What to do ?

Where do you 73-87 guys have your alarm LED's at ?
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