Originally Posted by garypr1
Wow! your truck is soooo nice! wish I could see it up close. you should bring it to one of the goodguys shows in pleasanton next year.
Get your's done (if it's not already) and DO NOT park under or near any more trees....like I really needed to say that! I'm gonna try to get mine in at least one show next year....I love the pleasanton Good Guy shows....best in Norcal!
Originally Posted by 70short/step
Your Truck Looks Great! Shows what someone can do when they take their time and have patience. Really like some of the subtle mods you have made. And the blower is way cooler than a new fuel injected motor any day! Love the noise they make and as you stated...The low end torque is unbeatable!
I need to start a thread soon when mine gets further along.
Thanks!.....I like the little supercharger and all, but there's still a part of me that wants to put in a 6.0 LS motor with a 6 speed......just seems like it would be a little more "drivable" and easier on $3+ a gallon fuel!