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Old 12-25-2007, 04:58 AM   #136
see ten
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Re: Project Topless 365/24/7

Before you get to carried away with the line-x, just a reminder. Pollen Season! It seems like that crap gets in every lil crack and crevice and is a boog to get out. I know you're doing the floor and I proably would as well on a topless project. Have you thought about having your seats and door panels done in marine vinyl? That might look better and be near impervious to the occaisonal shower. I've got a pic (film not digital) somewhere of an early mustang that was completely covered in that vinyl! The owner said his father had bought the car new and drove it for years and then parked it. When they decided to get it back out it really needed paint but they didn't know how to paint. The guys did interiors for a living so they disassembled the car and covered every panel with marine vinyl! Kinda odd, but interesting. I'll see if I can find the pic and scan it so I can post it.
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