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Old 01-12-2003, 05:05 PM   #1
swervin ervin
You get what you pay for
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Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: Cherryville, NC
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Smile Worried for a little bit

Well, I put my battery on charge last night. I ran it down while working on the inside of my truck. Like a dork, I left a door open for a couple nights. Anyway, I go out this morning to see if it's charged yet, It was, so I unhook everything. Go over and turn on the headlights, and nothing. Remember now, I can't start it because the distributor is at MSD. I flip the dimmer to high beams, and they work. Back to dim, no headlights. Everything else works.

Since I had the dash tore apart with the instrument cluster out and dash pad off, I thought I've got a wire off somewhere or something. So I take everything back apart to check it all. Can't see anything wrong. First thing that come to mind is the dimmer switch. Since it's in the column and I didn't feel like tearing it apart to take it out, I went to Advance Auto parts and bought a new light switch. Mine has never been changed and wouldn't hurt to change it even if it didn't fix it. Well, it didn't fix it. Damn.

Just getting ready to take the column apart, I looked once more at all the wiring and related plugs. I noticed the plug at the base of the column where the column wiring plugs up was not clipped all the way in. It has the two tangs and one wasn't clipped. I push it in until it clips, and guess what? It worked. Hooray.

I bad didn't want to get into changing the dimmer switch.

These trucks sure can tear your nerves up sometimes. But damn, ain't it fun when you get it fixed?

1985 Chevy C-10
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