Originally Posted by 67_C-30
Yeah, cause everybody loves that ever-so-sweet sound of a late model Z71 with with straight pipes in OD doing about 45-50 MPH. They sound like an old 2 cyl John Deere w/o a muffler because they don't have enough back pressure and they are turning about 1600 RPM in OD. There's a significant difference in making it just loud and making it sound good while being loud.
Oh how I SOOO agree with this. I get so tired of the yuppie country boy wanna be's makin their new truck "loud" just so they can be "redneck." I got passed by one of these idiots the other day (guess his gas is cheaper than mine) and he had apparently been running the crap out of his LOUD truck. It had the distinct sound of pipes comin off of cast iron and after he got around me I could smell unburnt fuel from his tail.
My advise, make sure it doesn't sound like you have bad mufflers. There is nothing wrong with a good deep throaty growl that is still not deafening.