Thread: NorCal n00b
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Old 01-03-2008, 02:21 PM   #1
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NorCal n00b

I've been lurking around for a few weeks since picking up what used to be my Grandfather's 71 K20.

Here's the cliff notes:
Grandparents raised me
Grandfather bought truck new in '71
Many vactions, trips to the hardware store, etc
Learned to drive in it and tow trailers
Grandfather sold truck when I was sixteen in '85
Moved (a few times) never saw the truck until looking for Jeep parts on Craigslist the week before my birthday
Plates matched, so did holes for some of the stuff my Grandfather had done to it
Bought truck

Now I gotta figure out how to restore it.

New pics will be coming soon. In the meantime here's some of it from back in the day:
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