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Old 01-04-2008, 08:28 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: TEXAS
Posts: 378
When Changing Cab Bushings...

be sure to put your tranny in LOW or just disconnect it period. I just got back from the transmission repair shop. Cost me $160 to have the internal parts replaced. I had jacked the front of the cab to replace the bushings under the rediator and I heard a BANG! Turned out it was the tranny shift lever linkage inside the pan that blew up. Lots of pieces in the pan. The guy said it was lucky it would still go into all gears. Could have just as easily failed in forward or reverse. I had the select lever in PARK, thus, putting strain on the shift linkage all the way down to the lever on the side of the tranny. That's behind me now, but beware if you do this yourself. LBJ
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