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Old 01-04-2008, 11:32 AM   #238
samwise68's Avatar
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Location: Rhinelander, WI
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Re: '69 GMC Build Thread.

well, time for some pics.

my new work area, thanks to understanding and supporting parents.

chest freezers make great work benches!

passenger side fender, in the process of smoothing.

driver side fender, patched and shaved, waiting to be smoothed.

now, i'm not going to kid anyone on this - the work thats going to take place on these fenders is simply to get them half way straight and smooth, back in one color, and back on the truck.

so, in other words, worse quality workmanship than before. haha.

i'll keep you all updated, i'm hoping to have the fenders smoothed by the weekend. we'll see what the week brings.

let's hear it!

1969 GMC C1500. long fleet.
307. 3 on the tree. 3.07 gears.
Oliver green. Bent and bruised. Daily Driver.

Screw patina... it's a beater...Beaters are cool.
my build thread - Project Homebrew:
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