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Old 01-08-2008, 04:04 AM   #1
Camaro Club
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Posts: 472
how does the metal part of the dash come out?

I have a nice solid cab i want to use for my truck but when one of the previous owners stripped it for paint they took the vin plate off. i believe its an 85 cab. This is my question though. My boss said he did a body swap on his 78 Blazer in the early 90's and he used an 89 body and he wanted to keep his factory vin so he used the 78 metal dash in the 89 body because the 78 had the vin in the door jamb and he didnt want one in the windsheild also. He cant remember if it was welded in or bolted in though. So can i just easily swap my metal dash in place of the one with the missing vin so i can keep my current title?
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