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Old 01-08-2008, 01:57 PM   #15
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Re: Heater and Vent Work, But not Defrost?

I think the main problem is the firewall pass thru on that vacuum line. It was just about in two pieces at that point. I also had a loose fit on the accumulator ball on the left of the A/C unit there. You can see the hole in the firewall where the line goes to the heater-A/C controls. Also, there is at least one vacuum line inside that crumbled and I don't know where it hooked to. I tested several of the vacuum cans and they seem to work. They just have not been getting any vacuum due to open lines and cracked fittings. I am going to war on this on Monday.

I also discovered why my engine was missing and a bit uneven on idle - vacuum leak at that accumulator ball on the firewall. I plugged the line and it smoothed out. All the lines in the engine compartment probably need to be replaced. Most are old and brittle.

You can also see the overspray from the paint shop. He also failed to paint under that black grille below the windshield like I asked him to. The wipers had been taken off and replaced to paint and both were in the wrong position. the right wiper was jammed on and had the fine serrations cross-threaded. Really pXXXXd me off. I was lucky to get it back on straight without having to buy another shaft assembly.

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