Bill -
Bondoing HAS to be a word. i mean, c'mon. how many dozens of people use it on here?

But, as far as an update.
i didn't get a chance to spray any primer, but that'll happen tomorrow, i'm thinking.
we did, however, get the front brakes off. for the sake of simplicity, i'm just going to get two new wheel cylinders, instead of worrying about rebuilding them. new shoes, as well, of course. and new wheel bearing grease seals.
did you know it helps to stop when the shoes aren't covered in grease? yeah. news to me too.
but thats where she stands as of now - on jack stands.
tomorrow i'll call around to the part stores, and find who is the cheapest for the above listed items, then tuesday i'll pick them up after i pay tuition for the next semester of college.
then that just leaves this week to get my body work done, get the panels scuffed and painted, and back on.
i go back to school on January 21st. so, kinda shooting to have it back together and driveable before then. but, we'll just have to wait and see. deadlines don't seem to work out too hot for hey. who knows.
tomorrow, pics will come! i promise!