alright, finally got some real visible progress done.
after nit picking with bondo and sanding, bondo and sanding..i've decided that it's "good enough".
so, here's before some spray bomb primer.
and after some red oxide goodness.
doesn't look too bad. and tomorrow, i'll start laying some green onto them. i figure a coat will be good enough, and maybe 2 if i'm feeling ambitious.
so, that means tomorrow i'll pull out the '69 chevy hood, and bring that down stairs to thaw out, and get the spare cowl out of the garage and take that to my make-shift shop as well.
and that'll just about take care of the little bit of body work and painting i have left to do.
i also did some calling around, and ordered my brake parts for tomorrow. the cheapest i found was Napa, and it came to a total of about 70 dollars for 2 sets of shoes, 2 wheel cylinders, brake hardware, and front wheel bearing grease seals. so, not too bad. money well spent considering brakes are kinda nice to have.
and thats about it.
however, i also checked on the books i need to buy for next semester, and it comes to about 400 bucks. SO. it looks like i may be doing some scraping for that.

. but don't worry, i have it figured out, and Diamond Lil will make it back on the road in time....
....i hope.
let's hear it!