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Old 01-09-2008, 05:42 PM   #149
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Location: Rhinelander, WI
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Re: How do I make the truck loud???

Dear Lord...i've tried to remain silent...but i'm just being sucked in with the rest of the board.


yes, those are glasspacks.

as far as power. let's put it this way. your 350 allegedly puts out 288 hp, as your sig says.

these trucks came with 396's and 402's, stock. and those frames didn't "warp".

let alone the horse power that some of these trucks are laying down, just look at some of the drag racers, with a fairly stock frame.

so. friend. unless you're bolting a 4-71 on top of that tree fitty, you've got little to worry about.

as far as your loud exhaust...if you like the way it sounds, thats all that matters.

on that note...please don't be the model of "ignorant redneck" that people can point at and associate all stereotypes with.

"hick-nuck...mah truck is loud...gooder'n yours!"

that is all.


note: I am not trying to "hate", or whatever all the cool kids are calling it these days. I just hate to see somneone my age acting like..well..someone not my age.

with that being said, i am also a redneck, a hick, a farmboy. however, i am also a college student, a newspaper columnist, and an old truck lover.

so please. act your age. grow up a little bit. use some commons sense. and have some pride in driving a classic truck.

thank you. that is all.
1969 GMC C1500. long fleet.
307. 3 on the tree. 3.07 gears.
Oliver green. Bent and bruised. Daily Driver.

Screw patina... it's a beater...Beaters are cool.
my build thread - Project Homebrew:

Last edited by samwise68; 01-09-2008 at 05:43 PM.
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