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Old 01-10-2008, 04:14 PM   #15
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Re: cannot seem to get any help on calipers...

Amen. Having spent the last 20 years working on automobiles it is the persons who is working on the autos duty to know what he or she is working on. On the other hand the parts person should be knowlegable also when given a particular auto. I, being a partsman now, have weak moments when someone walks in and say's " I'm working on a 95 well maybe 97 front differential and I need that thing that hooks up the two long things and my friend said that it would get rid of the noise."
Take all the parts in question to the store. Not only get the correct calipers, hoses, banjo bolts, and copper washers, get the correct pads to go with this and figure out what they are from and write it down for future reference and keep it in a safe place for the next guy or yourself.
I would criticize the seller of original parts for their poor guidance and feel free to tell them after you have this resolved completely.
67 cst swb I commend you on your availibilty to help like that. Lets get'r done so we got a fellow Chevy to see rollin'
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