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Old 01-10-2008, 09:14 PM   #1
lks dcvn
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Another What Would You Do thread...engine or cab swap?

Okay a little break down...

I have a running/driving 72 LWB C/20 project that has rust in the select spots (floors, inner/outer rockers, floor supports, pillars, etc) on the is driven year round, but not that often.

I also recently found a another LWB C10 that has no engine (was a 402BB truck), or trans but the rest is there with very little rust (floors, inner rockers, floor supports, etc.) are clean. For this area I would say the cab looks new. Floors and surrounding metal seems to be original. Some minor rust on outer rockers...but the thing is loaded - A/C (newly rebuilt), new carpet, stock Tilt, stock Tach, rebuilt doors (felts and guides), etc. I haven't decided if I will get it or not - I have to call the guy back tomorrow. Any idea what it would be worth? He is trying to get rid of it (complete truck without engine or trans) taking up garage space.

Sooo - my question is should I swap the cabs or should I swap the engine/trans into the C/10 BB chassis. Anything I should be concerned about moving a 350/350 into a previous BB truck besides motor mount (location)?

I won't be doing a LOT of hauling (other than normal stuff) so the 8 lug stuff isn't a NEED option for me, but not worrying about body work would be a major plus...

Let me know what you think.

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