Thread: Stereo setup
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Old 01-12-2008, 07:31 AM   #3
old Rusty C10
Robert Olson Transport
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Re: Stereo setup

im one of them guys that dont believe in cutting the truck apart for a stereo.. they can easily make you a set of brackets to put two speakers in the rear behind the seats in the corners unless you can find a set of 4X10 that give you the sound you want.. one of the vendors here Captkaos sells kick panels you can stick speakers in without cutting the heck outta the cab and you can throw some 3X5s in the dash..
depending on how far your seat is back you could prolly build a sub box and put it behind the seat
Some of the catalogue companies sell radios that fit in the stock holes and have higher output.. i dont know what you are looking for tho
Im an old fart by alot of the members standards i dont want or need a radio i can hear five counties over i just wanna hear stuff over the motor and road noise tho
hope that info helps some

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