Re: Best Wax / Compound for old paint ?
no such thing as best. Get a detailer to look at your paint do a few tests and tell you what you have, he will know what it is and what can be done from there.
The red truck up top is one of the easiest, probably older acyrlic enamel or lacquer all oxidized, you could spit on it and rub it with your nand and it would get better. I did tests on one a while back wtih Sure finish and a wool pad and in seconds it came up to bright red again instead of the dead pink colour. sells polish and pads from a good detailer in LA. I use his stuff Surefinish, wool pads and his orange foam pad. I prefer to support them over the big ones, especially McGuires, I doubt Barry has polished too many cars rather deal with someone who actually does it. There is lots of info there on polishing as well and you can post questions, the Sure finish is very easy to use and is a non diminshing abrasive with no fillers.
I saw a car at a meet in Windsor Ontario one year on display from a big company, it was horrible, salesguy proudly said yes it was done with their products when I asked him. Salesguy.
Depending on your truck it probably is not just a case of waxing but a case of preparing the paint and getting it as best as possible then after waxing to take care. You talked about bringing bac the shine so here below is bringing back the shine, that is with no wax but preparing the paint first.
This is 20 year old acrylic enamel. water sanded then done with the Surefinish, there is no wax on it. THere wasnt much paint there and it is acrylic enamal metallic and I should not have water sanded it down flat. Still wanted to see what could be done.
If you want good protection the synthetic waxes are better. I saw a car do one full year car washes through a canadian winter and it it still looked good a year later. It was waxed with a high quality synthetic boat wax.