They will not work to wide you best bet will be to got to and get a set of the b52s then go to a salvage yard and get a set of 52 in rear springs to use it will give you the 4in you want. for the rear of your truck use blocks or add a leaf or 2 to the pack you have. I have drum breaks on my 68 it stops it takes a while but it stops just dont ride any ones tail. I only have trouble steering if the suspention is flexed out on normal daily driving its not a problem. I would keep an eye out if i was you for a set of axles out of a newer truck so you can have the better breaks but when you can aford it just get the parts alittle at a time. you should be able to put a 4in lift change out the axles to disk breaks and add pwer steering for less then 1000. the bigger tires will be the most expensive part of the lift.