Remember this thread...
Well got the motor mount fiasco under wraps, now the tranny is giving me troubles. The converter in particualr. I might have the flexplate on backwards too....I did a google search and they showed them being installed bothways, so I dont know.
My problem is that my converter is so tight against the flexplate that I cant turn them seperatly. And I distincly remember setting the converter making sure to get both "clicks" assuring that its set right. But....but I decided to take two birds out with one stone and drop the motor and tranny at once, and I did some fanagling to get the tranny mated to the engine. Im wondering if when I did all the pushing, pulling, and lifting if the converter didnt slide out some.
Also, Im not using the original converter that came out of it....Im running a Neil Chance ~2800 stall. And I know they didnt use my old one as a the core, so for all I know I might have the wrong converter.
I dont know what to do....unbolting the tranny to slide it back isnt a problem, just a ****ing pain. Im also wondering if I were to just bolt them together like that, if when I get up the Rs and the flexplate holds up to its name and starts to flex, if it wont push that converter into the pump and mess things up.
Any suggestions?