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Old 01-15-2008, 02:11 PM   #19
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Re: Best Wax / Compound for old paint ?

Originally Posted by Warren View Post
Actually on my red truck up here it was not funny it was a joy. Maybe yours was single stage Urathane or some hard paint, maybe it was how you approached it what pads what polishes or if it was watersanded first etc.

Old soft acrylic enamel was on this truck and it was easy, I had a 65 pontiac like that, I spit on it and rubbed it a bit and the oxidation went away, the car was cypress green acylic enamel, every few months it turner purple. Excellent car it was.

It just depends on what the paint is and taking a buffer and sure finish which is very fine to that pink truck brought it to life instantly. It turned the wool pad bright red in seconds.

I didnt polish my whole truck cause to do it right it all had to be watersanding first. Plus the paint is old junk that is toast. That photo showed the paint was crap and that when watersanded and polished back up you will get lots of shine, iprobably 95 percent of the shine will come from paint that is properly prepared if there is paint to work with.

I have been to LA to learn a bit about detailling cars and know a guy up here who is a monster at detaiing and I quiclkly learned if you do it for a living you need a mass of experience to do it well and understand all the dynamics of what is there. Thats why going to a detailer is good, tell you the kind of paint and do some tests and tell you what can be done. Lots of times the difference will be amazing.

You can just wax it and it will have a bit of protection but in many casss there is stuff that can be done to the paint first to prepare it and make it right and in most cases it takes alot of time to do it right.

I watched a detailer take two full days to watersand and polish back up a Golf that had been painted a year earlier, it was pretty much a show car when it was done and it had 400k on the car. Just a damn mirror then he coated it with a synthetic boat sealer and a year later it looked great, it was also used as a work vehicle.

I have only learned a bit about it so far and it was far deeper to learn to polish than I ever thought. After time with this detailer up here who makes his own polishes and started doing this at 12 years old it was very clear there was alot to understand and some of it had to come from many years experience at least when you do it for a living and the history and what you are working with is different on each job.

I thought you was talking about my truck
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