Originally Posted by blender
I have a 9 sec 68 and I am going through it and redoing it to go faster, I am looking for any pics or info on rollbars I am wanting to add a 11 point roll cage but not go out the back window to to tie into the rear frame I want to do a full cage all the way to the front frame under the hood 9 points in the cab and 2 points to the front frame does anyone know if this is passable or does anyone have any other suggestion that wont go through the back glass.
If your running at a NHRA or IHRA track I can't see you passing tech without the back bars, I'd be surprised if it did, especially running in the 9's where chassis cert. is required. I've heard of some inspectors accepting a funny car type enclosure in lew of the back bars coming off the top hoop, but they still had to run them just at box level, but this was on a 10 sec and slower tech. ( I know there is a board member on here that runs that type of setup )
Best thing to do is find out who does the inspections in your area and disscuss with them what would pass inspection before you start building. Seen guys before that did alot of work for nothing.