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Old 01-16-2008, 11:22 AM   #16
see ten
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Re: Sat pics (1-12) Just creepin!

Thanks guys! I appreciate you all humoring my photgraphic interests. As always I would be glad to shoot pics of anyone's ride who wants to come by or meet me somewhere where I can shoot. This is just kind of a hobby for me and I really don't know anything about it. I just know how I want a pic to look and sometimes they work out and sometimes they don't. Here's a link to an article (which I haven't yet fully read) about why your camera doesn't matter.

I was referenced to it from another forum that I lurk around on from time to time. All these pics were shot with a point and shoot camera thats a couple years old.

I've got a newer and higher megapixel version of this same camera, but I like the older one better for low light conditions.

Last edited by see ten; 01-16-2008 at 01:08 PM.
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