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Old 01-16-2008, 07:01 PM   #9
Windy Corner of a Dirty Street
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Pueblo West, Colorado
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Re: Before/After Off Road Trucks

Well, geez….I actually don’t have any pictures of what my K10 looked like when I first got it in January 1997 with little ½ axles and bald 33” tires. It was missing a rear bumper too. I was just another poor collage kid with no money for a camera to take pictures.

Here are a few milestones though….

Picture 1: Truck loaded up on trailer to move from Southern Colorado to Detroit after college graduation for my first real job with CMD. I actually had to remove the 33” front tires so it would fit on the trailer to make the 1800 mile ride to Motown…

Picture 2: Truck unloaded and posing in front of GM World Headquarters. The picture was actually taken in the parking lot of a casino in Windsor, ON, Canada. Zoomad and I worked on the 14th floor of tower 400 for a couple years doing neat GM stuff. Well, sorta....

Picture 3: The morning after the beast got a fresh layer of Pontiac Montana Quasar blue metallic. Grand Rapids, MI 1998

Picture 4: Rochester, MI driveway shot after picking up the truck from the Rhino lining shop sometime in early 1999. Those clowns at the Ziebart dealer at 12 Mile & Woodward in Royal Oak, MI did the worst job in the world rhinoing the rockers, bed and bumper. I could do a better job with a hot mop full of roofing tar with a 12 pack in my belly than those idiots did. I still cuss those idiots everytime I think about them.....ummm, like now! I think this was also right after we swapped in the SM465 to replace the TH350. I remember the guy at the Ziebart dealer coudn't drive a stick very well. Stoopid city boys.

Picture 5: Truck back home in Colorado after years of upgrades. This picture was taken on the Detroit locker/Detroit true track validation run through a deep ravine about a 2 miles from home. Much nicer playground than living in Detroit.
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Last edited by DirtyLarry; 01-16-2008 at 10:26 PM.
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