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Old 01-18-2008, 08:28 AM   #5
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Re: Need a 87 suburban wiring diagram

Your drawing is simular to what I have. It shows the red tied back to red but mine does not. I think this on goes back to the voltmeter on the dash. and the brown is the ground for the other circuit. Which reads open on both pins. One side show be ground and the other should put out 12volts. NAPA was out of my alternator( lifetime warranty) but might have to goto autozone and get one.

I took the truck to the dealer to check why the alternator was dead and they said it was from the butt connector the when from the positve side of the battery to the alternator's lug terminal. They crimped and solder the connection and replaced both connections at the battery. I realy don't see how this killed the alternator though? What part of the circuit tells the alternator to turn on? Is there a self starting one the does not need to check battery voltage? Could grounding out 12volt out on 1 or 2 (forgot which one ) kill the alternator?
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