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Old 01-18-2008, 10:51 AM   #14
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Re: This is some SERIOUS custom paint

Originally Posted by Andy4639 View Post
How about this. This guy must of had a lot of time off from work to do all this cutting and fabing. He must have just bought a plasma cuter!!!
Why would anybody want a hood like that?
Craftsmenship is great...the why is something else!

That hood is the perfect example of,"just because you can, doesn't mean you should." The same goes for mounting TV screens in every available space.

What ever happened to the customs of the 50's, where you made everything as subtle as possible? That's what I love. Clean, smooth, and simple.
'69 C-20(292, 4-speed) Retired Daily Driver
'64 C-10(250, 3-speed) Fixerupper
'97 F*rd Mustang GT(4.6L, 5-speed) Daily Driver
If I only wanted two pedals I'd have bought a bicycle.
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