Originally Posted by ChevLoRay
Another "old school" method of setting is to park 25-ft away from a wall, with the vehicle level. With the headlights on low, you should be looking at a bright spot 24-inches above the floor. Supposed to be a pretty good adjustment if that is what you have.
Here in Arkansas, there are no stations doing vehicle inspections, and a headlight aimer is scare as hens teeth. To top that off, the dealerships don't do it on the new vehicles, either, as far as I can tell. They don't have to.
That sounds about how I was taught to do it.
But I was taught that you drive the truck almost right up to the wall, mark the height of the beam on the wall with some tape, and then back the truck up 20-25 ft.
Then you aim the headlights to be level or below those tape marks. ( i guess below if you are driving in a lifted vehicle).
It is really important that you do it on level ground though.
This is supposed to work for any vehicle at any ride height.
I think the 24" height is around right for a stock 2wd truck of our era. That height might be different on a 4x4 or other vehicle.