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Old 01-20-2008, 05:54 AM   #3
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Re: Shaved door help

OK. so maybe i have my cable wrong. I have my solenoid in the exact same place. Is yours an autoloc as well? I have the cable ran to the same hole that the handle comes off of and i have to preload the handle so it has enoung travel to actuate the latch. My problem is that with it preloaded it doesnt pop. the solenoid acts like it is struggling. These are the 50# ones...or so they told me. If i take the preload off of the handle it doesnt have enough travel to actuate the latch. I tried the adjustable dealy on the tip of the actuator and still no luck. Maybe i should cut the rod for the handle and use that on the solenoid and use the cable for the handle?? I am about to just get some linear actuators and make this thing work.
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