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Old 01-20-2008, 09:59 AM   #1
Long Fleet Club
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Location: Deer Park, TX
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Unhappy My truck the musician

Well my truck joined an orchestra. All it likes to do now is play a nice high pitch sound (squeal). I tried everything I know to do and the pulleys look pretty much straight. But everything is from different engines. I have a MR Gasket 2 groove crank pulley; A long water pump with a 2 groove pulley; A power steering pump with a home made bracket (PO made) for the outer adjustment bolt; and an alt for a '84 305 Camaro with a stock bracket. Here is a picture (not the best though) of my belt system befor the new alt. but it was a while back when I got that and this started not to long ago.

I'm also not opposed to changing everything but low on cash though. Almost to the point of parking it and just Ride my bike more.

Here is a link to the classifieds section where I'm looking for a system
Chris Meeks

'69 Chevy Custom/10 Long Bed <-- Thread of the work I did before selling.
Truck is now finished to the new owners design and running around.
I was shown some pictures of the finished product. At least it survived the junk yard.

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Last edited by cameeks; 01-20-2008 at 10:01 AM.
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