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Old 01-20-2008, 02:52 PM   #5
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Re: Shaved door help

I tested them before i put the min with my drill battery and they worked awesome. I think i got them on Egay. I figured out how to make it work without binding the solenoid. I had some power door actuators for when i was thinking of converting to power door locks. I used the little rod and clamp that is used to clamp the actuator to the existing lock rod. I was able to use that to keep the handle about half pulled so that the autolocs would have enough travel and not be nbound up like they were with the cable. Still dont have a warm fuzzy with just the two little screws holding everything together so i think i will drill a hole where the tension screws go and slide a cotter pin in there. Next up is running a choke cable out the door uand under the truck for my mechanical backup. I was also thinking of running a 9v battery connection and hiding it somewhere under the truck or something and tying tat to the solenoid so if the batt dies and i dont want to give away my mechanical location i can just tap the battery to the connection. Have to tape up a battery and hide it under the frame too thought. Boy if i ever sell this think it will have to come with an instruction manual. Thanks for the help those who helped. I am sure i will have more questions as i go on.
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