I just can't seem to find an end to all of my trucks issues. I had a warranty on my trucks starter that i just replaced. It tested good at the store. I installed it yesterday, but had to call quits because i was getting snowed on heavily. Got the rest of the wiring done today an fired her up with no problems. I pulled out of the parking lot to bring it home for tranny work. All of the sudden hell broke loose under the hood.

The engine stalled in the middle of the intersection. I turned the key, and nothing. Not even a click. I climbed out and opened the hood. I here something frying like bacon, turns out my negative cable connecter on the battery melted. 15 mins later my dad showed up with his truck and hooked his straps up and pulled my truck back into the parking lot.
Any clue as to what i did wrong? Switched the two smaller wires around? I think I have a short, havent had the tools with me to find out. Another thing is when my dad tried to jump me when i replaced the terminal, his battery died and he couldnt get his to start.