Re: Help identifying truck
It looks to be a 64-66 from the pictures. A picture of the grill would give a better indication.
Normally they had a 4 speed transmission and a 2 speed axle.
I like the bigger trucks, but I am not into speed, I like trucks that can be used since I live on a small farm. Around here a lot of those size trucks had grain dump beds, but they can be used for a lot of other stuff.
I almost bought a 63 GMC 6000 in real good shape with a V-6 for $1000, but before I made up my mind it was sold. A few months later I bought a '77 GMC dump truck, but still wish I had bought the 63 also.
I think I would offer him $250, which is what he could about get for scrap and go from there.
Danny - Southeast Missouri