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Old 01-24-2008, 12:49 PM   #14
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Location: San Rafael, CA, USA
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Re: Diesel Conversion

Auggie--dunno, I thought the 12v had some computer stuff on it but I know next to nothing about that motor other than vague recollections at this point

Bob-- knew the 6at was an onan motor... I've heard of some 6at swaps into 4x4 rigs and people seem to like 'em, what kind of problems do you know of on this motor? I respect you ASE guys.

2 reasons why I was leaning away from the 4bt: 1. I heard they were noisy and shaky, 2. I've got a 373's in the back and with a 2300rpm (+ or -) top end I would go SLOOOOOOOOW on the freeway

also, dunno if I was clear, no automatic tranny for me! I like to choose what gear I'm in, not some part that operates on the principles of magic!

hey, been a while since I was on the board, how do I do the quote thingy again?
'70 C-10 Short/Fleet 350 In the family since new and more than 300K on the odometer!
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