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Old 01-15-2003, 10:10 PM   #10
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yes you have to jack up the engine one side at a time, well actually you take one bolt out at a time and jack it up at the oil pan,with a board of corse. when you jack it up one side will lift then you have to take the motor mount mount off. did that make sense, well its the plate tha bolts to the frame rails and to the cross member (4 bolts) and the plate and motor mount will drop out the bottom. install- reverse proceedure.

well i am stilll chasing one vibration but this one is really wierd. its only about 45-55 mph and its more like an echo in the cab. and also it feels like a sort of ROUGH SPOT. friday i am off work and i am going to hunt it down, but first thing is first, i am going to have the tires rebalanced. i dont know where else to look . it just aint as smooth as it use to be. what else could be causeing this VIBRATION or HARMONICS that i am feeling. i am going to put another distributor in friday, i dont know if this is the problem but i am going to try. then i think i am going to pull apart the carb and see if something aint right in there. i do have a Q-JET that a guy gave me. he said it came off his 454 truck. i will have to get the no. and post them to see what size carb it is, i might just wind up with a Q-jet powering the GHOST
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