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Old 01-25-2008, 01:07 AM   #17
so easy a caveman can do it...
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Albuquerque, NM
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Re: Help identifying truck

I'd be cautious. The fact that somebody Took the engine out,and took the bed/any hydrallics off of the truck and then gave it away is more than a subtle hint that there may be major and expensive problems throughout.
It will definitely take some work to get it running again, but that's o.k. The po took the dump off and sold it to the sellers brother, his brother took the 409 out and gave it to him. That's the only reason he bought's been sitting ever since.

The seller couldn't find the title for it so I was thinking I would help him get a replacement title for it. I've searched here, but didn't find any info on where the vin # is...the last time I was over there I looked everywhere, but the only thing I found was a riveted plate on the drivers side and it just had the GVW and some other stuff on it. The cab has been re-painted.

I appreciated all of the help so shouldn't be too much longer till it's mine

here's a cell phone pic of the gearbox
Attached Images
My build thread

Last edited by Sequoyah; 02-10-2008 at 06:27 AM.
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