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Old 01-27-2008, 12:46 AM   #24
TP from Cntl PA
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Re: Diesel Conversion

ROTFLMAO...........Most people who bash the AT's never had a oil pan off of them. They aren't a BT for sure, but they are stout little engines. Parts are harder to find. They were designed by Onan, built by Cummins, later Cummins changes some spec's so they aren't all the same. The AT's will take RPM's unlike the B's, since they were made for gen-set useage, they actually like the rpm's to work well. Drop the pan on a 6AT and then tell me they are weak. For only 210 cubes the bottom end is built like a brick sh*t house. And if you compare weights to other similar sized diesels they actually are very heavy for their displacement.

I put one in my C-20 not knowing what to expect. Now that its done, the little critter impresses the crap out of me. We farm and put that truck through every abuse imaginable and tore the crap out of everything behind the flywheel atleast twice...........And those components were behind big blocks.........Now, I do have the pump on mine tweaked and its still no 6 BT but goll darn will it run..........Having farmed and been around OTR trucks for years, I seen/ran alot of diesels and although I wouldn't call the 6AT the best by far, I can say with certainty, it definitely isn't anywhere close to the worst.

I sent you a pm on the subject.
'72 K-20 EFI'ed 250 Inline/4spd stake body, Farm Truck
'71 C-20 Cummins Diesel Powered, In storage thanks to $5.00 diesel!
'69 3500 GMC 305V-6/4spd, Still under reconstruction..........

Inlines Rule! 6 soldiers standing is better than 8 laying down!!!!!!!!
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