Thread: divorced t-case
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Old 01-27-2008, 06:05 AM   #4
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Re: divorced t-case

I dont know about the divorced rocks i used a dodge devorced 205 and they mount from the top not the bottom so if there the same you may have to do a body lift to get them to fit. for a shifter I am making a cable shifter. I didnt like how the rockwell sounded like a jet engine taking off all the time.
One trouble that poeple with devorced cases have id they like to move fron to back may not be an isue with the rocke well if it uses and under the case crossmeber but the 205 under hard wheeling like to move so they say to build a brace of some type to go from the back bottom of the case to the frame.
68 2500 4x4 GMC Burb
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