I was told that it was a detroit locker.
I forgot to mention, I get the same whine with one, or both hubs locked, and the truck in 2wd, so I think I can eliminate the tires from being the issue.
The axle had been rebuilt with new bearings, u-joints, and brakes when I bought it.
I hope it's not....unless you bought it specifically for that. Since it took you a year to use it, it doesn't sound like it. IMHO, a Detroit Locker is not the way to go on the street....in the
rear, much less in the front. You will get "squirrely" and unpredictable steering. On ice/snow it will likely be worse than a stcok "open" differential.
A hub locked will force the gears to turn, so it could still be the whine. Not only are they turning but the turning force is coming from the axle, not the pinion..so again you are running on the coast side of the gears. This can definately cause the whine.
As far as the bind? ....not sure. Did it do any of this before you tried to put it 4wheel drive? Have you driven it at all since the front axle swap? If you totally unlock everything (hubs and transfercase) does it drive like it did before?