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Old 01-16-2003, 09:24 PM   #5
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Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Oceana WV USA
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I called a windshield place here in WV and they sent a guy out that had never done a windshield in one of our trucks. Needless to say, he broke it trying to put it in. After they order a new one the guy that owned the company came out and put it in, he got it in but the rubber tore on one corner so he ordered another rubber and got it right after 3 trys. There's a guy that lives near me that can put one in with his eyes closed in 5 or 10 minutes. He has about 5 or 6 trucks now. He did have a lot more but I talked him in to selling a few of them (I bought one). I told him the reason our trucks are hard to find around here is because he had them all!
"The World's a Mess"!
71 C-10
72 Suburban 2WD
Oceana, West Virginia
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