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Old 01-16-2003, 10:58 PM   #4
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461,462 291 are early close chamber 64cc valve sizes depend on application.have no accessary bolt holes .These are camel humps by nick name or 300 horse heads.also in this catagory are 040 but have no humps and very rare.186 have accessary bolt holes and humps 041 have accessary bolt holes and no humps there are several more castings that are service replacement parts plus the bowties I have collect at least one set of each over the years and run these on my trucks.They do not come with harden seats and must be installed to run on todays cheap gas.You need high octane fuel to run a high compression close chamber head .For everyday usage you are better off with open chamber 76cc heads and factory harden seats with mild compression for pump gas.
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